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February 20, 2023

Luna Moth - The Marjorie Adam Team Rebrand Explained

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Marjorie Adam

Luna Moth - The Marjorie Adam Team Rebrand Explained

Change is never easy in any setting – especially when that change involves something core to who you are. In a business, a logo is far more than just a cute icon – it represents an identity. It creates an expectation of who you are and how your brand works in the world. 

Seen that way, changing a logo, a website, brand colors, and design is a way to indicate something new about a business! We are excited to announce that we are ready to unveil a new chapter in our identity as a team! 

Making changes to our logo after nearly two decades was not an easy decision, but I knew it was necessary for growth. I wanted to ensure that the new logo would represent our brand in the most authentic way possible. After much exploration and collaboration with my team, I am proud to say that we have found a logo that truly resonates with us, the Luna Moth.  

The new logo holds a special place in my heart as it was created by my son, Alex, making this change truly personal. Alex is a talented artist and tattoo artist, and I went so far as to have the design tattooed on my arm! 

The symbolism of the Luna Moth also aligns with our brand as Realtors. The Luna Moth stands for a journey towards enlightenment and heightened awareness, reminding us that the process of buying or selling a home should be a positive and bright experience, not a negative and overwhelming one. 

Moths symbolize change, new beginnings, and transformation, reminding us to live life to the fullest. These themes are embodied in the Luna Moth logo, reflecting our brand's commitment to guiding clients through positive, transformative experiences.

Furthermore, the Luna Moth symbolizes the need to focus on our goals, just as the moth focuses on its transformation into a beautiful, winged insect. Similarly, we continuously strive to improve and enhance the experience we provide to our clients, learning and growing with each opportunity. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, we remain focused on our mission to make the process of buying or selling a home effortless and rewarding.

Reflecting on my 27 years as a local Realtor, I've realized how much my team and I have grown and evolved. While we've added specializations and expanded our services, our core mission remains the same: to make the process of buying or selling a home seamless, stress-free, and enjoyable. The ups and downs we've faced along the way have molded us into the experienced and dedicated team we are today, and we're ready to put our expertise to work for you.

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